Threesome Pickup Artist by Suzy Bauer

Step By Step Threesome Affiliate Internet Marketing Success Page

Thank you for joining our affiliate program!



If you want to really make lots of extra cash with our affiliate program, please make sure to read this entire page! It contains great information to double, triple or even quadruple your monthly profits!

Since June 2003 this website has grown into turning over thousands and thousands of dollars and I know that working together we will make it turn hundreds of thousands of dollars in the very near future. After testing and testing, I know what works, and how to make YOU money. Our site is set up to sell, so let us do what we do best. Send all the traffic you can to and get ready to receive every month a fat check on commissions!

This section has tips and tricks to increase your sales to boost your profits!

Our conversion ratio is about 40:1 using banners and text links and the ratio goes down to 12:1 if you use articles reviews and recommendations. That's why I want to help you boost your profits with your online promotions by giving you some tips...

Banners do ok, text links do even better, however personal recommendations and articles are the best!


You can view our high click pulling banners here

Banners do o.k., however lets face it... banners have lost power in the past few years! They did very well in 1998 and 1999, however now they are not the most effective way to generate traffic!

You have to remember that if you have a 'links exchange page' and you have our banner together with another 50 banners, the conversion ratio for your traffic will not be as high,  simply because visitors are in  "browsing" mode not in  "searching for information" mode.

So if you want to increase the effectiveness of your banners, have them in visible places, where people look for information, not just 'where they'll go next'.

Banners are good place to start however I honestly recommend text links much more.


Text links

A text link is 20 times more likely to get clicked than a banner advert and if they are blended in seamlessly with content that is even better!

Use Calls to Action besides the "Click Here" link:
Here are some examples:
Get your hands on...
Make your threesome happen...
Take Action Now!

Example text links:

You get the idea right? Invent your own. Think of the biggest benefit to the reader of your page and hit him with the solution. Something that gets his or her interest.

If your site is about adult dating, then place a text link that will directly appeal to your visitors.
Something like:

Looking for women to make your threesome happen? Solution - click here!

If you want me to come up with some good text links for your individual site, email me at  and I will think of some good ones for you. But don't wait, get your text links up now! And watch the orders flow in.


Personal Recommendations

Personal recommendations are the ultimate way of making sales! People love to hear a story about real results. There's 2 ways to do this:

1) Place a picture of the book on your site together with your recommendation, for example:

2) Send your opt-in customers an email, with this heading:

<first name>, I thought you would enjoy this!

 Then tell them about the great resource you found in the internet. Use some of the great sales copy contained on this pages:

 Remember not to go over the top, be honest! People can smell BS  miles away. keep it genuine and intriguing!. This will send LOADS of sales to you! It takes a little longer than just putting up a banner but trust me, it is well worth it!


Free Content /Newsletters

Use any of the free articles I've  written and place it on your site to give visitors a taste of what they can expect from Step by Step Threesome. If they like what they read, they are likely to buy the book.

If you have a newsletter, Use this articles also to pull potential customers.

I will try to add more articles as often as possible so remember to check back this page as once in a while.

You can view some of my free articles here.

If you have a high traffic site and would like some unique content professionally written with which you can use your affiliate link, simply Email me at and I will do my best to deliver it to you.

However remember:

  1. You cannot alter the articles in anyway (except the resource box at the end of the article which I’ll explain to you in a moment how it will benefit you).
  2. You cannot claim yourself as the author.
  3. You cannot claim copyrights.

Each article is written to help educate people about how to make their sexual fantasy come true. These are very useful articles and you’ll find people will be excited about the ideas in them.

I have also created several newsletters that can be very useful promoting the Ebook. Feel free to either send them as they are or use their text to blend in your own newsletter.

To have a look at my newsletters Click Here

If you want to use email or ezines to promote the book I suggest you use this format:

Would you like to make your threesome fantasy come true?
Suzy Bauer  has created
the ultimate no-brainer,
threesome resource. In less than one week  you make your fantasy come true guaranteed
Check out =====>


Would You Like To Learn How To Enjoy Threesome Sex?
Suzy Bauer has created the ultimate no-brainer, plug & Play Threesome plan
that guarantees that in less than 1 month you can make your threesome fantasy
become a reality!
Check out =====>

Articles are a super powerful way to promote your program - so take advantage of this ready-to-use tool.


Various Guides Reviewed and Rated

Reviews sell! I've made tons of cash in the past by reviewing products and linking to them via affiliate links. The top recommended sites always sell the best! Simply write a little about two or three seduction guides, pick out a few good points about each them from their sales letters and place them in a table. Put Step by Step Threesome at the top, and it will pull lot's of visitors for you!

For example have a look at this  site: Girl Dating Tips. This site recommends a lot of products and dating sites, If you see, most of his links are affiliate programmes.

This guy is also one of our affiliates and I send him a check every month for recommending my book. The cool thing is he also gets checks I'm sure from many other sites.

Besides recommending Step By Step Threesome, I recommend you sign up now as an affiliate for the following programmes:

Guy Gets Girl

Seduction Science


Double Your Dating!




Your Own Ezine

If you currently publish an ezine then you already  know the incredible power of having your own opt-in list of subscribers. If you aren’t using ezines you should consider adding it to your marketing weapons.

Here’s how you can use your ezine:

  1. Run the articles as editorial material.
    One thing you can do in your ezine is to run the articles as editorial with your affiliate ID# listed in the resource box.
  2. Do a review of
    You may want to consider running a review of the site and bringing this resource to the attention of your subscribers.

Make your review factual and based on your opinion. And it doesn’t have to 100% glowing either. People will believe you and trust you more if put in a few minor ‘weak’ points about the product (which are really benefits) like this:

"Step by Step Threesome is not for everyone though, the advice contained on this manual is going to put you really close of having a threesome, so if you are the "only curious  type" stay away from this resource!"

Advertising in Ezines

An inexpensive way to reach a lot of people is to place ads in ezines. You can advertise in ezines with circulations of 100,000 or more and only pay $40 or so. It’s a really great deal  for the circulation you get.

You can combine several of the killer headlines Below  to create an effective classified ad.

Here’s an example of one I recently ran that produced good results:

  Here's a Plug & Play Plan to Have a Threesome...
   Bisexual Woman Will Teach You Exactly How to Make Your Fantasy Come True
              Stop Dreaming and Endulge Yourself In a Mouthwatering Threesome!
        Check out  =====>

Or just use your imagination. (And if you’ve written a really powerful ad I’d love to see it.)

You'll need to locate different ezines to place your ads. Here are several directories (please remember links change every day – but this list was current as of publishing) you can use to locate this information about the publication along with ad rates…

Ezine Directory List:

Lifestyles Pub (this one is really good but it costs a few bucks)



The Ultimate Magazine Database



Ezine AdSource (paid subscription)

Instructions for placing ads are usually found in these directories. You can submit an ad today and have it run in just a day or two and start making money.

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Two Tier Residual Income

This is one of my favorite ways of making money on the internet! I've used this concept online and offline and it works wonderfully! I receive several checks every month using this method!

If you know other webmasters or webzine owners, all you need to do is encourage them to sign up as affiliates for Tell them that Our affiliate programme is giving 40% for every sale and is a very hot product for sale, then direct them straight to the affiliate sign up page using your affiliate link behind.

You will be making 10% on every sale each of this webmasters does.

For example; lets say you sent an email to 30 of your link partners, and 10 of them saw the possibility of making extra money with Step by Step Threesome.

Imagine that this ten webmasters conservatively sell 3 books per week.

They will be selling 12 books per month.

12 Ebook at $37.00 = $444.00, they will make $177.60 in commissions and you'll make         $ 44.00 Not Bad for one email!

Doesn't sound exciting enough? Let's do the math...

Let's say these 10 webmasters that signed up to the affiliate programme by your recommendation conservatively sell 3 books per week.

$ 44.00 x 10 = $440.00 x 12 Months = $ 5280.00 Not bad for a single recommendation is it?

If you want to make $440.00 a month cash flow on real state or in the stock market you'll need a substantial investment or down payment!  On the internet all you need is to recommend an affiliate programme and it can easily be accomplished!


Smart Ways to Cash In
Before Visitors Leave Your Site

It’s a fact that everyone will eventually leave your website – so why not profit from it?  Here’s an easy way that I’ve proven to work on my site.

Once someone submits their subscription to your ezine or an autoresponder, what normally happens? They’ll get some dull page that says "Thank for your subscription and blah, blah, blah". Then might be a link back to the page they just came from or the main page.

Usually, when your visitor has subscribed they consider their business done at your site so let’s direct their next link to something that makes you money.

Here’s how a more profitable "Thank you" page looks now after someone requests your free report or free whatever...

Thank you for requesting the free 'information'...

You’ll receive Part I by e-mail box in just a few moments.
But for now, check out these powerful resource tools:

  • <Link with powerful headline>
  • <Another link with powerful headline>
  • Etc., Etc.

And you can do the exact same thing. On your thank you page, why not create a text link to your www, affiliate program and use one of the killer headlines? It’s just that easy. This is an almost unknown strategy that can yield some impressive results. I don’t advertise any affiliate programs I belong to anywhere else except this thank you page and it’s showing some impressive results! Try it for yourself!


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Other Overlooked Ways
To Promote Your Program

Using Your Signature

Your email signature is a powerful way to promote your program. In almost every email program you have the ability to append an automatic signature (or "sig file") to your outgoing emails.

Just search in the ‘help’ file of your program under "signature" and there should be clear directions how to create one.

You can use almost any of the headlines I’ve given along with your affiliate ID#.


Posting To Discussion Groups

Discussion groups or forums are spots where people can post questions, answers and comments on different topics related to that group’s interest. However, this is not a place for blatant ads!!! Doing so will result in lots of trouble for you and me.

One good way to promote your program is to look for posts with questions and provide useful advice. Then you can put your link and a simple headline promoting your program. This is an accepted form of advertising. But, that’s it!

Before you consider posting you should read lots of posts to get a ‘feel’ for how the messages are responded to.

Blatant commercial messages or Spamming any board will get you kicked out of the affiliate program and you’ll forfeit your commissions. So please do not do it!

And with all that said, you should check out for different discussion groups and lists you can contribute to:


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Creating A Redirection Page
For Your Affiliate URL

I love this technique!

This is an advanced technique - but one that is very, very effective.

Instead of using your longer affiliate URL you can create a simple redirect page on your website. Here’s how to do this:

You’ll create a subdirectory at your site like (if you don’t know how to do this ask your webmaster, please don’t ask me because I’m not technical) and when people click on this page it’ll automatically redirect them to your affiliate link with us! It’s very cool!

So anyone that clicks on will be redirected to:

Here’s the code to make this happen:

<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0;


So now you can use the shorter and ‘cleaner’ URL in your promotions!

This one little trick helps you get more clicks because it doesn’t look like an obvious paid link.

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Using Pop-Ups

No matter if you hate or love them - pop-ups are one of the most powerful marketing weapons you can start using to promote Instant Sales Letters

Here's one of the most effective (and least intrusive) way to start using pop-ups…

 "Pop Under" or "Pop Behind":

When a visitor comes to your web page - they'll see the exact same thing...nothing changes. But, the pop-behind code will open up a new browser (behind their current browser window) and that prospect will then be exposed to our powerful sales letter promoting

Your affiliate id# will be embedded in the new browser so even if they come back and buy a different product from us - you'll get the credit!

This techniques works great and it doesn't matter if you get a lot of traffic or just a little bit (Of course the more traffic you get - the higher your commissions check will be).

This is a great way to earn back-end income by simply adding a few lines of code to your home page, and then sitting back and relaxing!

Here's the Javascript code you can use to insert into the header of your Web page so your affiliate page will load behind the user's browser in a new window.

Remember to insert your affiliate id# so you get credit!
(substitute 'xxxxx' with you id#)


Cut and paste the following Javascript code between the head tags of your Web page, below your meta-tags.

Here's the code:

//specify page to pop-under 

<!--[if !supportLineBreakNewLine]-->

var popunder=""
//Pop-under only once per browser session? (0=no, 1=yes)
//Specifying 0 will cause popunder to load every time page is loaded
var once_per_session=1
///No editing beyond here required/////
function get_cookie(Name) {
  var search = Name + "="
  var returnvalue = "";
  if (document.cookie.length > 0) {
    offset = document.cookie.indexOf(search)
    if (offset != -1) { // if cookie exists
      offset += search.length
      // set index of beginning of value
      end = document.cookie.indexOf(";", offset);
      // set index of end of cookie value
      if (end == -1)
         end = document.cookie.length;
      returnvalue=unescape(document.cookie.substring(offset, end))
  return returnvalue;
function loadornot(){
if (get_cookie('popunder')==''){
function loadpopunder(){
if (once_per_session==0)

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  SuperAffiliateHandbookOther Tools

Read the amazing true story of how one woman, with no previous business experience, earns 400,000+ per year ... selling other people's stuff online!
In her down-to-earth, sincere and often humorous style, Rosalind Gardner guides you through the entire process of building an affiliate marketing business on the 'Net. In 270+ pages, and more than 73,000 words, you'll learn how to pick the best programs, negotiate a commission raise and save time, money and effort on everything from affiliate software to web hosting. To learn exactly how she does it, Click Here.


   Stop Affiliate Link Hijackers Dead in Their Tracks!

   One of the Internet's top information marketers told me that up to 30% of all affiliate commissions are STOLEN by people who replace their own link to "buy at a discount" -- and it's a serious problem.

This new software program will stop up to about 80% of these thefts -- maybe even more.  

 Stop the vast majority of hijack and bypass attempts before they even happen.


Make sure you, get your links up right now and start earning huge commissions today!

Using these promotion tips you have no excuse not to effectively promote your program and start making big commissions!

And don’t worry. I’ll be sending you periodic emails letting you in on new promotional weapons that are working and lots of tips and news to keep you updated. I really appreciate you joining our affiliate program and I wish you great success.


All the best,

P.S. If you need to contact me directly you can email me at . I will respond personally to your email.

© 2005 Trinity Publishing, Inc. All rights reserved.


IMPORTANT: AVOID SPAM! has a very strict NO SPAM policy.  We want to be known for having the highest integrity, and being a responsible Internet web site. We're committed to maintaining that image, and you should be, too. We all benefit from a good image. In order to protect we may immediately suspend or terminate any affiliate caught spamming. We do want all of our affiliates to know that you will always receive fair treatment from us if we receive a complaint. Indeed, our experience is that many complaints are not valid spam complaints at all. However, if we feel the complaint is valid and you can not show clear evidence to the contrary, we will not hesitate to suspend or terminate your account!.