Threesome Pickup Artist by Suzy Bauer

   "4 Elements to Put Women Instantly in The Mood To Have A Threesome!"

It's well know that men get in the mood instantly. Women in the other hand need a bit extra effort. Let me tell you about 4 elements you need to include in your triple action plan to make her sexually aroused. Without a doubt, women attach high importance to mood for an appealing sexual encounter. It's not difficult to set a good mood. All it takes is a little forethought, a few items, and some common sense. Obtain some of the staples on this list they'll do wonders for mood enhancement.

Dim the Lights

Candles, candles, candles. The best way to induce a nice atmosphere is by using candlelight. This softens sags, stretch marks and possibly the bit of cellulite that makes her self aware of her body. If the light is soft a woman will immediately feel much more comfortable with her nakedness. 
Or try colored light bulbs for your lamps: Red is sexy, blue is dream, purple is passion, orange is warm, black lights are racy, and there're any number of other colors she might appreciate. Start with what feels good to you.

Erotic Scents

Aromatherapy is the art of using the essential oils of plants therapeutically. These essences not only penetrate the skin but are also absorbed when we inhale, sending messages directly to the brain. When we choose these pure essences we enhance our physical and psychological well being. 
Some essential oils are known for their aphrodisiac qualities and some of these are also aids to deepening meditation and our connection to spirit. Oils of Rose, Jasmine, Neroli ( orange blossom) and Sandalwood all enhance the erotic and the spiritual intention. Clary Sage, Ylang Ylang and Patchouli are also deliciously fragrant. Your choice of oils can help bring together your sexual and spiritual lives. 
Another possibility is to use incense. Get yourself a nice little collection for when you want to instigate some good lovin'. Again, pick out incense that moves you. Musky types are good, or earthy smells. Remember, incense that comes from the purest essences tend to be the best.

A Trio Melody

German people have a word that is unique for their culture called gemutlich (pronunciation gay-mut-lish). Although there’s no proper translation for it, the closest would be “cozy.” If you want to ease your seduction you need to make the atmosphere very gemutlich. Besides the lights, music is your best ally to induce the right atmosphere. Music is well-known to alter people’s states of mind, so if you use the right music you’ll be subconsciously ahead of the game in your seduction.

However, beware of not using the radio or popular, known music! Why not? You want to be fully in control of this powerful ally. You can’t let a radio station select the music for you, plus the last thing you need is to have lousy commercials playing while you’re working on your seduction.

Popular music can also trigger memories on your candidate. For example, you can be making your move and suddenly a song that reminds her of the time she ended her last relationship starts playing; your evening can quickly be over...

Skinny Dipping & Jacuzzi’s

If you chose a moonlight swim or the Jacuzzi, show her where to undress and give her a robe for the trip to the water. Avoid gazing at her when she’s getting into the water. That way she’ll feel more comfortable.

If your plan is to go to the Jacuzzi you must take into consideration your seating position as a couple. If you two sit together on one side of the Jacuzzi, you have inefficiently isolated her. Later it will be uncomfortable for you to move to her direction. It’s much easier and faster to let her sit in the middle; this way you ease the flow process. Sometimes it’s a bit difficult to do this, so if you’re having a drink, position the bottle close to her, so you’ll always have an excuse to move closer.

Another idea is to have a ball to play keep-away or tag to initiate physical contact. You could also have a float or a small round raft at the deeper end. This gives everyone an excuse to comfortably close in the distance and be near.

Suzy Bauer

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