"Is Having Girl-on-Girl Sex
Without My Partner
Considered Cheating?"
That's a very good question...
Karl my hubby does not consider it cheating, in fact he loves when I tell him I had sex with one of our girlfriends or with a girl I just met. The only condition he has for me having "lesbian sex" without including him, is that I "share all details". I guess this is one of those questions that has no "right answer", in my experience however, most men will not consider it cheating. I tell you why: Very rarely a heteroflexible woman will change her man for another woman (unless she has discovered she's a lesbian and/or she's not fulfilled in the relationship with the husband). So, in most cases allowing your partner to enjoy girl-on-girl sex without including you, will work in your advantage in the long run! Allowing this freedom to your wife might allow you to bring lots of women to your bed for threesome sex in the years to come. So, I would not really worry about the fact that your wife is having sex with woman without you being there! Having that said, I think it's important to mention that this should be discussed in advance and as a recommendation you should share with him ALL you did with her! And NEVER, EVER; EVER hide it from him, because if you do, then you'll be cheating on him!
Bisexuality between men
Amongst men it’s a completely different story. The tendency is not as frequently found, however it also exists. Heterosexual women don’t find it strange to touch, kiss or caress other females without sexual intentions. Heterosexual men however, feel very uncomfortable with this! My husband is straight and we’ve never had a bisexual MMF experience, therefore I consider myself unqualified to write about the topic. I've mentioned in my book that the best arrangement in my opinion is an Adonis Trio (FFM), because in the Adonis Trio there are two women and one guy and so there’s normally a lot of interaction between the three people. During an Aphrodite Trio (MMF) however, there's usually is no interaction amongst the males. Find out for yourself what you prefer! It’s up to you to experiment and discover new ways to enhance your sex life.
Suzy Bauer
If you want to know more about threesome sex go to
www.threesomepickupartist.com , www.stepbystepthreesome.com