"Is There Psychology Involved
behind Threesome Sex?"
More than you think! The fact that you’re reading this book means you understand the wonderful possibilities of a Trio. It probably also means you haven’t been as successful as you’d like to be in making the ultimate arrangement happen. One is forced to wonder why, when there is so much demand, there is so little supply?
The sad answer is that a multitude of forces are determined to prevent you from having sexual fun. Anyone who has ventured far beyond the narrowly defined bounds of "socially acceptable behavior" realizes society applies considerable pressure for everybody to stay in line. In Australia this phenomenon is known as the tall poppy syndrome; any blade of grass that grows more than the others will likely be chopped off first. In Japan they have a saying that says: “The tallest nail will be the first one to be hammered down”. In The Netherlands there is a similar saying: “Tall trees catch a lot of wind.” You can probably think of similar sayings wherever you live. What it all boils down to is that; we should avoid standing out and keep our behavior in line with everyone else’s so we will be accepted by society! Richard Bach, captures this concept beautifully his book Jonathan Livingston Seagull. In his book a seagull called Jonathan Livingston discovers that he can fly higher than any other seagull has ever flown before. Excited by his discovery, he returns to the flock to tell them about his accomplishment. However the flock isn’t thrilled about his discovery at all. They are actually upset with him because he broke the established rules set for the flock; so, the "leaders of the flock" decide to outcast him. Disappointed and lonely, Jonathan decides to continue his search of joy and perfection ALONE. Until one day he finds a new flock of like minded seagulls who take him to a new understanding of the world and teach him to fly at altitudes he has never dreamt of!
Suzy Bauer
If you want to know more about threesome sex go to
www.threesomepickupartist.com , www.stepbystepthreesome.com