Threesome Pickup Artist by Suzy Bauer

Persuading Your Partner

to Have a Threesome

You might be thinking: Sure Suzy, you have mentioned that it was easier to have a threesome if you already had a partner... now the problem is; I DO have a partner BUT I need to convince her/him! Let’s face it, most threesome initiatives are started by men. There are exceptions of course, however in most cases it’s the guys that come up with the idea... 
If the female is the one with the initiative or if both of you are convinced about pursuing the threesome fantasy, you’re one step ahead! 
Women are more ready to share sexually their partner with another woman, than men are ready to share their partner with another man! So, persuading your wife to have an FFM threesome is not as hard as it may seem. But, you'll need to understand a few issues...
The first thing that you’ve got to take into consideration is that women place high values on the pair-bond. Women are very apprehensive of anyone and anything threatening the health and longevity of the relationship between her and her partner. For most women, a threesome carries risks she’s not eager to accept. The first giant obstacle you’ll face will be to overcome her insecurity.

Step-by-Step Persuasion

It may very well be that your lover fantasizes about a threesome too, but has been afraid or embarrassed to admit it. Contrary to men, women seldom speak to the point and often beat around the bush before telling you what they actually want. If you want her to talk about her fantasies, you can encourage her by:
  1. Listening to her. Magic words for women are "Interesting, please tell me more." Then all you need to do is shut up, listen and learn!
  2. Being supportive of her opinions and ideas. If you criticize or invalidate her, she’ll not reveal her private thoughts. PERIOD!
  3. Affirming that you consider all her desires to be perfectly normal. Acknowledge her fantasies!
  4. Making her more receptive to your fantasy by assuring her that bisexual desires don’t depreciate her value as a lifelong partner. Tell her that diverse fantasies make her more interesting, alluring and captivating as a sexual partner.
  5. No pushing her into something that scares her. Allow her to become used to the idea. Let her explore the thoughts with you. Women work out their problems by discussing them; encourage her to talk to you.

Clarify her Objections (Fears)

If you go to any sales training, one of the most important subjects they'll cover is " How to Overcome Objections". Enrolling your significant other into having a threesome is very much like selling anyone into buying something. They might be interested but they'll have objections. Remember, objections are "buying signals". All the customer needs to do is make sure that what she's getting into will be o.k. for her also. That's it! If your relationship is in good shape, your partner is only going to "object", however if your relationship is NOT in good shape she will "refuse" to even talk about the subject! If this is the case, you'll need to work on your relationship first. 
See an "objection" as peeling an onion, there will be a few thin layers before you get into the important part. Ask her questions, find out about her concerns, her fears and her emotions. Follow this careful procedure and you'll have her enrolled in having a threesome in no time!
Please notice that I always use the word "persuade" instead of the word "convince". If you're trying to "convince" her, then that means that there's resistance. If there's resistance then that means that there's something deeper that bothers her. The best thing to do is LISTEN carefully to her concerns.

Suzy Bauer

If you want to know more about threesome sex go to ,