Threesome Pickup Artist by Suzy Bauer

Sex and Human Nature

Human biology is the basis of what drives the sex urges in humans and it determines how those urges differ in men and women. Our primary lesson is that males and females of all species are genetically instructed to replenish their population. 
This is programmed in a part of the brain that is commonly known as the reptilian brain. It’s called like that because its existence is recorded already in the primitive, reptile ages. The reptilian brain is our “fight & fly” brain, our instinctive brain, in other words; the part of the brain responsible for survival. One of our survival instincts is reproduction; therefore sex is also programmed there.

Primitive Times

While both sexes are striving for the same goal they employ entirely different strategies. Therein lays the clue. Let’s look at how it was in primitive times...
The male strategy was to attempt to inseminate every female in sight. His physical investment was small, a little bit of sperm, a precious few minutes in the act itself and off went the man to his new pursuit of the next available female. 
The male indiscriminately and promiscuously mated and procreated hundreds of infants without any biological punishment. However the female strategy was a lot different.

In addition to the physical burden and the dangers of pregnancy and birth, the few infants a female reproduces in her lifetime came at a great cost and risk to her own survival. She couldn’t afford indiscriminate mating with everyone who would have her. A female had to maximize her pregnancies by being selective. 
As you can see our genetic codes already restrict us from being the same sexually. Luckily things have changed dramatically since the arrival of birth control, but those ancient survival instincts still creep around deep within the human psyche, influencing the way men and woman interact.

Modern Times

In the modern world, when a guy meets a desirable gal, he still feels this ancient biological need to spread his genes into future generations, his genetic code instructs him that he needs a female in order for him to establish their genetic perpetuity, therefore a man accepts to commit to her so she can provide the off spring from his genes. For a woman things are a bit different. 
Regardless of with whom she mates, all her pregnancies ensure her genes will survive into the future. If given the choice men will choose exclusivity rather than permanency, because they genetically know that if the woman doesn’t stay with him his genes will not survive into the future! The woman on the other hand is aware that she’ll require a lot of help to raise the child so if given the choice women will choose permanency rather than exclusivity.

What does this mean? Simple, our genetically code is set in such a way, that we women will gladly share our man as long as we feel secure he'll be there afterwards! 
In Latin American countries it’s not uncommon to see a married man having a relationship on the side. In most cases the wife is aware of it, but keeps it silent to keep the husband. In the Arabic world for instance, it is not uncommon to find a wealthy man having two or even three wives. (This is allowed as long as the three of them are provided for equally.)

So bound by their inbred biological roots, modern men and women are still driven to approach sex and relationships much as our ancestors did. In today’s society, a woman will share her man with another woman more readily than a man will share his woman with another man.

Suzy Bauer

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