"Our Friend is Gone. Now What?"
After she’s gone, it‘s time for you and your partner to connect with each other, talk about the experience and re-live together what you’ve accomplished! This is the time to bring out your feelings and tell each other honestly how the experience was. It’s also the time to compliment each other as much as possible about what you just accomplished. From this moment the female in the seducing couple becomes the “queen of the world” and the male’s duty is to spoil her rotten for days to come. This works in his favor, because it’ll be an incentive for her to allow you to experience more threesomes!
Bonus Tip
A small tip that will simply show your thoughtfulness as a couple towards your friend is to send her a bouquet of flowers the next day with a nice but naughty card telling her how grateful you both are and how special she is. Mention that you’ll never forget that beautiful night.
Important Considerations
Make sure you leave the door really open for her to come back, however don’t assume that just because it happened once it will happen again. Now the ball is on her court. Respect her choice and avoid assuming that just because she slept with you, you have a relationship! Single women react differently every time, so it’s virtually impossible to give you a recipe. My advice is that you play it by ear; next time you both see her embrace her tender, but don’t try to jump on top of her right away with a passionate French kiss. As a woman, meeting your friend again after that night act totally cool and natural about it and reinforce that it was a wonderful night. By no means display any feelings of uncertainty or confusion. If she sees you’re comfortable and confident she’ll consider returning, this will show her that you’re a mature couple where she can seek refugee and with whom she can explore her erotic fantasies with ease and confidence.
I’ve heard many comments of people who've just experienced a threesome, interesting enough they swing on a scale from “the best sexual experience of my life” to “highly overrated” to “it screwed up the relationship with my friend.” This reminds me of the roller coaster ride in the amusement park... some people get on it and have the time of their life and others come down throwing up and are sick for the rest of the day. Same experience, but complete reactions.
Why does this happen? Well, simple; FOCUS. If they focus on the shakes and turns and go against the flow because of fear, they will get sick, however if they let themselves go and immerse themselves in the fun, they’ll love the ride! Threesomes are the same, if you’re a responsible person and you simply want to explore your hedonistic urges and go with the flow, always looking ahead, then you’ll have a great time. However if you behave irresponsibly, don’t follow the right advice and do the wrong things you won’t enjoy it. The choice is yours and only yours.
Suzy Bauer
If you want to know more about threesome sex go to
www.threesomepickupartist.com , www.stepbystepthreesome.com