Suzy Bauer's Personal Tips
bafore Looking for a Threesome Candidate
Dress Your Best & Avoid Surprises
Seducing for a threesome is very similar to a first date. You need to look your best. Wear a super sexy outfit, really nice lingerie and a provocative perfume. He must also look super attractive and should also wear nice looking underpants. The key here is seduction. The last thing you want is your invited friend to be all shabby and you looking like a million dollars. He or she will feel uncomfortable and you’ll reduce your chances for seduction. A typical topic of conversation amongst women is “What are you going to wear?” Avoid telling her: Just something casual will be fine. Tell her instead: “It’s Friday night. You never know what might happen” or “It would be nice to dress up for the occasion” or “Jack, feels like looking really sharp tonight; he wants to make it a special evening.” Say anything that will hint her to dress nicely. The benefit of this is that the better you’re dressed the more self assured you feel. The more self assured a woman feels, the more receptive she will be towards your attention.
I hope it’s not necessary for me to bring this to your attention however I better share it with you anyway. Short and simple; if you’re too tired for hygiene, you’re too tired for sex. In your seduction night you need to be clean and smell fresh for your friend.
Periods: an issue you might want to take into consideration for practical reasons. Women’s regular menstrual cycle is twenty-eight days. I personally don’t feel very attractive during my period and the two days before and after as I feel a bit bloated, so this takes me out of the seduction game nine days a month.
When you’re dealing with another female on the equation there are additional nine days that are a bit tricky. If you actually do the numbers around 33% of the time it will be hard to have a seduction in which both women will feel 100%, so take this into consideration in your planning. The last thing you want to do is to try to seduce your friend while she’s having her period. She won’t be as responsive as you’d like her to be. Although some couples might be okay making love during her period, the invited friend will be hesitant to let herself go completely during those days. The best way to tackle this problem is for the woman of the seducing couple to mention something like this: “Oh, I’ve got a tummy ache; I think I’m getting my period soon.” Normally an empathetic friend will say things like: “Oh, I know, I got mine last week,” or “Yeah, I’ll soon get my period too.” This will give you an indication of her timings. Now all you have to hope for is that she’s got regular periods. If you have a good relationship, it’s not difficult to find out by simply asking. There’s another upside about knowing about her cycle. Women get a bit hornier just before and just after their periods!
Suzy Bauer
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