"The Best Aphrodisiac is Variety!"
According to Marc Connolly the best Aphrodisiac is variety! I tend to agree with his suggestion. Since this e-guide shows you how to spice up your sex life, I couldn’t possibly exclude aphrodisiacs. The dictionary definition of an aphrodisiac is “arousing or intensifying sexual desire.” Aphrodisiacs could also be something such as a drug or food, having such an effect. In other words, aphrodisiacs are those things that cause us - males and females - to feel sexually aroused, to desire, to become romantically excited. Aphrodisiac stems from the Greek word - aphrodisiakos, from aphrodisia - sexual pleasures; and especially from the Greek mythology, in which Aphrodite was the Goddess of love and sex. Sexual variety is also an aphrodisiac. A threesome therefore will undoubtedly be an aphrodisiac. As a friend of ours says “A Trio can be an infusion of sexual juice for any relationship.” However, a threesome will hardly ever make a bad relationship good, but it can make a good relationship better. This means that in order for you to benefit from the aphrodisiac of variety that a threesome provides, you need to be either single or in a solid relationship. You’ll also need to let go of MANY of the prejudices that you grew up with and you’ll need to understand that what your mother, minister, aunt, or other well intended person taught you about sex, might need to be re-written in your belief system. For your information, the Latin root of the word moral: moralis merely means “manner, custom, or habit” and, true to its own origin, moral is concerned with establishing principles of right and wrong in human behavior. We’ve been taught what’s "moral" and what’s "immoral". The sad thing is, most of us never question it. Religious and state leaders tell us how to behave but then again we often see that some of these "rule-makers" and "rule-enforcers" are in fact the very people who most indulge in the behavior they seek to prevent of others??? We quietly obey what other people say, and we substitute it for the truth. If all these “moral” laws were right, we might have different results in our society don’t you think? In the western world, four out of every ten marriages end in divorce. And two out of those four divorces happen because of cheating!!!
We’re talking about a large number of so called “cheaters” here. So what’s wrong with this picture? The reason why people “cheat” is often because they CAN obtain something with another person that they CAN'T obtain from their partner; and that something is called VARIETY!
Suzy Bauer
If you want to know more about threesome sex go to
www.threesomepickupartist.com , www.stepbystepthreesome.com