Threesome Pickup Artist by Suzy Bauer

"You Have a Candidate for a Threesome.

 Now What?"

The Point of No Return

When an airplane is taking off, there’s a point in the runway that pilots know as the “point of no return”. Once the aircraft is beyond that point, it’s safer to proceed and  take-off than to abort the take-off procedure. Beginner skydivers who stand in the door and look down but don’t jump can never be convinced to stand in the door again. They endured the fright without the joy of the free fall to reward them for the danger.

So it is with a threesome! There’s a point during the seduction where you either proceed or you’ll screw up not only the night, but possibly your chances of ever having the opportunity to experience a threesome again with your lady friend.

Remember: the first time at anything is always the hardest. One wise man once said that the best way to deal with fear is by confronting it. I can tell you by experience, that not knowing exactly where things are going will make you feel uncertain and even scared.

Advancing Too Far but not Far Enough

Imagine this scenario: The three of you have just spent an enjoyable evening sipping Chardonnay, sharing your innermost secrets. Things are as planned, she seems interested, you’re both very relaxed and you’re starting to feel those butterflies flying in your belly. Suddenly she looks at her watch and announces she must leave because she has to work early tomorrow morning. At the door she smiles and gives you a hug, you give her a peck on the cheek and she holds you closer. Unable to resist, you find her lips and melt into a passionate kiss. You close the door enthusiastically thinking that you have made great progress!

Now, I’m not denying that you did. Maybe you have, but on the other hand you’ve also risked screwing things up. Since she was leaving there was no chance the kiss might lead to more. You laid all your cards on the table and accidentally announced your intentions with no chance of following through with your plan. Once the wine and the mood dissipate, she may feel uncomfortable or possibly find the situation a bit scary and might promise herself never to allow herself to come that close again. If this happens you lose!

Your mistake was advancing too far but not far enough. You took her far enough to scare her without showing her how wonderful the rewards could be! There’s one rule that you must keep in mind: Never start a seduction unless you’re sure you can finish it. In your planning you must take into consideration that you complete any trip you begin, and ensure your trip is not interrupted along the way. So plan accordingly.

Following the Path of Least Resistance

Our German ancestors taught us that water running through rivers flows through the path of least resistance. When structuring your plan, make sure the flow of the action requires little or no action on her part. Internet marketers mention always that you have to make it easy for customers to buy. If you tell them that they need to answer twenty five questions, fax you their passport number, fill out their credit card number and wait a week for a response, the amount of sales you’ll close will be next to nil. However, if in a matter of three to four clicks your customers can buy from your website your sales will drastically increase.  In your planning, you need to make sure that everything is effortless.

Arrange the evening in a way that decisions are painless. For example, avoid starting your seduction before dinner, or while cooking. Awkward circumstances and a “start-stop” process present too many choices, because they give her too many chances to think about what's happening. It will be hard just to have her swept away by the moment. Your smoothness will be the big clue here. Emulate the River Smoothly Rolling Downhill. Let the flow from the mountains to the sea be uninterrupted by stops, starts and sharp turns. You’ll need to think of the right excuses to move further in your seduction. This is where your creativity will be paramount.

If you have the privilege of having a Jacuzzi at home or a sauna or a steam bath, these are excellent “innocent excuses” to follow the path of least resistance. These are the type of things you have to think of in advance in order to improve your odds. I suggest you brainstorm some ideas with your partner to come up with some excellent ideas so you can make sure your seduction follows the path of least resistance.

Undress for Success

Perhaps the trickiest element of seduction is undressing. You have to take into consideration that women feel more attractive dressed than undressed. Even supermodels have the tendency to think they’re too fat; their boobs are too small, their butt too wobbly or something of this sort! With another woman in the room, she might feel even more uncomfortable. The discomfort of revealing her body must be eased before anything else can occur.

Suzy Bauer

If you want to know more about threesome sex go to ,