Stop Thinking = No More Fear
by The Player
People, when looked at as a whole... are good natured. They avoid being honest and try not to be mean to others simply because most want to avoid conflicts. Why? Simple, because they are afraid of conflict... it's for this very reason that you are scared of rejection... and it is also the reason why you shouldn't be!
Did I lose ya? Let me explain :
You are afraid to approach women because you don't want to put yourself in a situation in which you will make a mistake that will lead you into a conflict of interest with the girl and she will turn you down. On the other hand... since about 9 out of 10 people are scared of conflict just like you, you have a 90% chance that the girl you are approaching is afraid of conflict as well... which means that she will do almost anything in her power to avoid getting in a conflict with you. Think about it, she has no idea who you are and what kind of guy you are... she does not know that you won't get pissed off and start calling her ugly and other names if she rejects you... so she'll avoid that by all means. How will she avoid that? By either telling you she has a boyfriend or giving you a fake number... and that is the WORST case scenario. Chances are she'll give you a shot just because you had to balls to approach her... even if you stutter the whole time and start sweating like a pig. It's true!
Men are natural initiators, we are the sex that have evolved into those that are by the laws of nature supposed to court the women... so we are the ones who need to set everything into motion. I don't care who you are, what you look like or where you came from... if you have a penis then this trait is built into you just like the rest of us, you just need to learn how to control it. You also need to understand that because we possess this trait and women do not (at least not built in like we do), this makes us the dominant sex... and chances are any girl you approach will be more scared and nervous than you.
Now think about this : If you approach a girl and she is so nervous that she makes every mistake in the book... forgets what to say, doesn't look you in the eye, and just overall makes a complete fool out of herself... would you forget about her and just walk away even though she is hot? Hell freakin' no you wouldn't! So why would a girl reject you just for making a few mistakes if she thinks your attractive? She won't, period.
It's our job as men to choose which women to approach, it's our job to get everything started. If you think that's hard then think about a woman's job... they make the babies! I don't know about you but I'd rather get rejected by every woman on earth than have a nine pound kid pop out my ass.
Ok, now pump your brakes and stop for a minute. Think about everything that I just said and let it all soak in, you are gonna need to remember some of that stuff... and if you forget it, come back and read this again. Why do I want you to remember it all? You need to tell yourself those things every day : Most people are scared of conflict... most girls won't reject me because of that... men are natural initiators... that trait is inside of me... if situations were reversed, I wouldn't reject the girl so she probably won't reject me... it's not such a big deal anyway. Remember those highlights and tell them to yourself every day... out loud in front of the mirror if you have to, whatever it takes to program it into your mind and make yourself believe it... because once you believe it all you need to do is think about it before you approach a girl and your mind will be at ease... free for you to use it to pick her up.
Ok, now I'm gonna bring it all home with a tip to handle any "I can't think of anything to say" problems you might have...
Remember just a second ago how I said "all you need to do is think about it before you approach a girl and your mind will be at ease"? Well that's the last thing you should think about... once you've put your mind at ease turn it off and just begin taking action without thinking about it... forget consequences, they don't exist anymore until you've got her number. Thinking is BAD when approaching women, don't think about : What you should say, if she will reject you or not and if she even feels attracted to you... and definitely don't think about your surroundings, forget about the other people near you and worrying if they are looking at you. DON'T THINK.
"Well if I'm not supposed to think... then how will I even talk?"
Good question... here's how :
I'm not telling you to try to block thoughts from entering your mind... that's impossible unless you've been a monk for the past 20 years. I'm simply telling you not to THINK about them once they are in there, and this is how you do that while still being able to talk...
ALWAYS say something related to the first thing that pops into your head... say it without thinking about it. If the first thing that pops into your head is "I don't know what to say"... then say just that! Say to her "I don't know what to say, your so hot I can't stop looking at your body" or for a teasing approach "I don't know what to say... I'm still trying to figure out if I want your number or not". If the first thought that enters your mind is "What if she isn't attracted to me?" then go ahead and ask her! Say "Do you find me to be attractive? Because I think your hot and we'd look really good together". Get the idea? It's all about NOT thinking about anything and just acting on impulse.
Wanna know a secret?
There's no such thing as "the right thing to say" to a girl... you can ask people all day for advice on what you should talk about with women when you approach them and every response you get will be the wrong one... even if it's coming from the mouth of Don Juan or Cassanova themselves. Stop searching for the right thing to say and just talk. The belief that players and other types of ladies men are successful with women because they "say the right things" is a myth... total bullshit... it's non-existant. They get women because nothing is holding them back from simply saying whatever they want, and it's their ability to do this that makes them attractive... not the specific words that come out of their mouth.
All of this may sound really complicated right now... but just give it a little while to absorb into your head then come back and read this again, that time you'll be like "Ok, that's not that bad". I'm not going to lie and tell you that this will be the easiest thing you'll ever do... but it won't be the hardest. You want to get over your fear and have the ability to walk up to ANY woman without worries right?
Well now you know how.
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Good luck!
The Player