Threesome Pickup Artist by Suzy Bauer

What Clubs Are REALLY For


by The Player


Many people have gotten the wrong idea about clubs, and consider them to be the pinnacle in terms of places to meet women. This is a myth, clubs actually rank very far down on the list of places to pick up women, however they do serve an equally effective purpose that many men fail to consider when coming up with their dating "game plan".

You should always consider clubs as "training camp". They are great places to practice because of many reasons, but are also not the best place to pick up babes... many other places such as the beach, stores, starbucks, colleges, theme parks etc. all beat out clubs if you are looking to be successful in pulling diamonds, and quite frankly... the women that frequent clubs are far from being girlfriend/wife material when looked at as a whole.

*Quick life-saving tip* : Always wear rubbers when you bang a girl that you pulled from a club, especially if she seemed very comfortable in there. Who knows who she went home with last week, or the week before that, and before that... you get the idea.

Your success rate is much lower at clubs, girls put all of their "shields" up before they even step foot in them... they are expecting to get approached by 50 guys before the night is over, and they will be turning down 49 of those guys.

Those aren't good odds.

However, like I said before... clubs are by far the best places to practice, mainly because :

- You WILL get shot down... alot. This helps you build up that "thick skin" that is required to because a good player. The best players in the world all understand that they will always, no matter how good their game is, get shot down more than they will succeed... it's all part of the game. The best way to prepare yourself for this (and eliminate your fear of rejection in the process) is to get rejected many times in the least stressful way possible (at clubs) so you can build up an "immunity" to it. Think of it like getting a flu vaccine at the doctors, they shoot you up with a weak version of the flu so they you will have built up a resistance to it by the time the real thing comes along... and your body simply shrugs it off. Practicing at clubs helps your mind "shrug off" rejection when it happens it more important situations.

- Chances are that you'll never see the girls again in your life, so being rejected by a girl at a club means little when compared to getting rejected by a girl at your work or school. It will not haunt you. If you were to get turned down by a girl at your work that will potentially destroy your chances with any of the other girls you work with simply because if one girl says no... all of they other girls MUST follow because if they did not and actually hooked up with you it would be like them saying "I'm not as good as the girl that turned him down". Girls are way too competitive and proud to do that.

- There are LOTS of girls at clubs, usually so many that you can effectively game 10+ every hour if you apply yourself correctly. You can raise your game to a whole new level in just one night of heavy practice in a club and literally walk out a new, better man. Practicing at clubs is to your game as shooting steroids is to your muscles... it's almost like cheating it works so good. Disclaimer : Don't do drugs... that was just a metaphor :)

- Like I said before, girl's have their defenses up at clubs... making it much harder to penetrate their barriers than usual. This means you must work even harder to pull them than usual... which helps your game grow. If you practice at clubs on a regular basis you will become accustomed to girls being hard to open... which is great because once you go somewhere else like the beach and spit some game, everything seems very easy. It kind of like how baseball players put a weight on their bat while they are "on deck" so the bat feels super light when they step up to the plate... same principals here.

- Clubs are dark, smoky and loud... which is not the perfect atmosphere to be gaming in because you can not hear very well and neither can the girls you will be approaching, this means you will constantly need to lean in so she can hear you which is a sign of insecurity by basic body language principals... by leaning in it displays that you view the girl as higher social status than yourself. However, on the other hand that same atmosphere that makes it harder to hear makes it easy to go unnoticed, which makes rejection not as harsh. If you were to get turned down by a girl in line at the supermarket... chances are everyone can see a hear what is happening, which will make you very uncomfortable and possibly do damage to your self image. At a club you have almost a 0% chance of other people even noticing at all, which puts alot less stress on yourself.

Well there you have it, a breakdown of what purpose clubs really serve in the dating game... they are practice, not the super bowl.

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Good luck!

The Player