The 8 Deadly Dating Mistakes Most Men Make
by Brian Caniglia
Most guys act jealous when there is absolutely NO reason to... which makes them look extremely silly and foolish. Some guys even think that women are impressed by jealousy, likes it's manly or something… nope. No *healthy* woman would want to be with a guy that feels threatened by other men. Women like men that are confident with themselves and at ease around other men. Look at it this way, if your girlfriend or date requires constant supervision, if you can't trust her around other guys... then why would you want her?
Clingy, sheepish guys who need to be affirmed and reassured all the time don't get respect (which is EXTREMELY bad because respect is the foundation of attraction). Give the woman of your life some space. Show her how strong and independent you are and then pay attention to how she is drawn to you like a magnet.
Compensating only draws attention to your weakness - it doesn't cover anything up. Focus instead on becoming comfortable with, and overcoming, your flaws rather than trying to disguise them.
People (both men and women) have a tendency to get caught up in the emotions of a new relationship and show too much interest way too soon. Don't jump into relationships… ease into them. With relationships it is better to error on the side of caution - take things slow.
Women are attracted to movers and shakers... and repulsed by men who have no worthy ambition or drive to succeed. When a man becomes dependent on a woman, psychologically, emotionally, or financially he places himself below her (on a psycho-social level) which makes it hard for her to respect him.
We are taught since we are very young that if we want something we have to try our hardest to get it. For instance, we are told that if we want a high paying job we have to put forth our best effort and in the end we will be rewarded because "hard work always pays off." Getting women is one of those few things in life where the less you try the better your results will be. When guys try too hard to be cool or likeable it is obvious to women and their actions seem forced, unnatural, and unattractive.
Talking yourself up makes you look bad (which is strange since the whole reason people do it is to make themselves look good). Allow your good qualities to come to the surface naturally… a woman will appreciate that 10 times as much and think much more highly of you than if you pointed it out to her.
Call it what you will (wussy, lack of backbone, being a doormat, etc.), women HATE it. Don't allow ANYONE to overstep your boundaries (you do have boundaries, don't you?)... especially not her. Oftentimes a woman will deliberately test your inner strength by trying to get you to bend your will for her. This is one test you DO NOT want to fail because then it will be IMPOSSIBLE for her to respect you if you give in to her.
Interestingly enough, *** EVERY SINGLE ONE *** of these mistakes that men make which drive women away are caused by, or indicative of, INSECURITY!
Did you notice that? It's amazing.
Insecurity repels women. Which is perfectly logical because insecurity means BIG problems for women (abuse, mental problems, "baggage," etc.) so if they even sense it, if they are healthy themselves, they will lose interest and leave.
Can you blame them? I can't.
Luckily, the opposite is also true. Women are DRAWN to real self-confidence like metal to a magnet. NOTHING is more attractive than a confident man.
Women are attracted to men with goals, desires, and opinions. Men who are secure and proud of who they are. Men who aren't afraid to be themselves. Men who love to get the most out of life.
Remember, women want to respect you - don't make it hard for them.
Brian Caniglia Author of The DateSTACKER Program
Have you ever made any of these 8 mistakes?
If you have - don't feel bad. Unfortunately, the overwhelming majority of men DO make these mistakes without realizing it... they unknowingly repel women rather than attract them.
Men don't know how to attract women because they have never been taught - it doesn't come natural to most men. Brian Caniglia wrote The DateSTACKER Program in order to help men like you become successful with women by explaining exactly what women are attracted to and exactly how to attract them to you.
The DateSTACKER Program will teach you:
How to talk to women... know exactly WHAT to say, HOW to say it, and WHEN to say it.
The 6 absolutely essential qualities that you MUST possess or women won't be attracted to you.
The TWO different types of attraction. In order to be truly successful with women you must be using both.
How to really tell if a woman is interested in you. There is a lot of bad advice out there about this... don't listen to it.
How to become The Ideal Man that women dream about - and are desperately searching for - but can't seem to find. And much, much more...
Brian explains almost every aspect of the dating game and gives you real world, no-nonsense advice that you can use to start meeting and dating the kind of women you deserve... tonight if you wanted to.
If you want to learn how to be successful with women then you should definitely find out more about The DateSTACKER Program...
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