Looking For “The Holy Grail”
by Giuseppe Notte
There's a special phenomenon that occurs when a guy starts to learn about women for the first time. I call it “the grand search for the holy grail.” I've seen many guys who were unsuccessful with women for years. Then one day, they type “seduction” into Google and find a bunch of websites and e-books dealing with “how to seduce girls,” “what women want,” “the best pickup lines” and so on. Suddenly, they get all excited and start looking for the “holy grail,” the key that opens the heart (and the legs) of every woman.
As a few days pass by, they quickly realize that things don't work that way. Most of these guys will try out one or two things, then quit their quest for the pussy before they really even start.
I have a question for these guys: After many years without ANY success with women, how do you expect everything to change in a day or two? It just won't happen. If you worked continuously day after day, month after month, year after year, on fucking up your life, how can you change all your bad habits in a second? You can't, actually!
Similar to the above are guys looking for a line, routine or technique they can use on EVERY WOMAN. Come on, guys! Women aren't light switches — you can't use the same movement of your finger to bed each and every girl! (Hmmm, well, you can, but she has to be in your bed already! :P) Each and every girl is different, and as such, they are turned on by different men, different behavior and different personalities.
There are many authors teaching seduction in their books and many guys holding various “how to get women” types of workshops. You have to realize that none of these people are GODS or IDOLS. They're just average guys doing something that works FOR THEM. What I do might not work for you so well. That's because I have a different personality, a different view of the world and different goals in life.
When I teach seduction, I ask my guys just these questions: What do you want from this whole thing? What kinds of girls are you after? What are your goals, and what are you willing to put into this? Before you read any books, sign up for any workshops or take even one small step, you should answer these questions. Why? Because you don't attract girls with your looks, your money or your age, but rather WITH YOUR PERSONALITY AND ATTITUDE.
I'm sure you've seen many guys who were poor and ugly as hell with hot women. Were these women with them because of their looks or money? Not likely. A hot woman is with a man because of HIS PERSONALITY. Because he triggers certain emotions inside her with his behavior.
Just think a bit: Will an abstract mathematician attract a hot disco girl? No? Why not? Because they are living a DIFFERENT LIFESTYLE. The math guy spends his days with his numbers, while the girl would rather peacock in front of the mirror all day. They have different needs and different goals, which just don't go well together.
Girls go through certain periods in their lives when they have different needs and wants. A 20-year-old girl will have different goals and needs from a 30-year-old woman. Many young girls are thrilled by adventure, adrenaline and the sudden rush of emotions. “Bad guys,” “adventurers” and “extreme sportsmen” usually feed the fantasies of these kinds of girls. Such guys LIVE A LIFESTYLE that attracts these women. These women want to become a part of the adventure.
And then comes the abstract mathematician or computer programmer who has taken a seduction workshop. He goes up to our 20-year-old hot babe and blurts out a memorized line or routine. “Hey, girl, get this. Last time we were parachuting with my friend...” She might even laugh. Our geek takes this as a “sign of her interest” and goes on with another made-up story. Will he get the girl? Not likely. Will the “bad guy” in the leather jacket and motorcycle get her? Of course!
What I'm telling you is, DON'T TRY TO BE SOMEONE YOU'RE NOT. If you're not satisfied with the women you get, change YOURSELF AND YOUR LIFESTYLE. Is it wrong to tell parachuting stories? No, it's not — as long as you have a life to back the whole thing up! And that's why it's so important to have clear goals for yourself. YOU DON'T HAVE TO CONTINUE TO BE THAT POOR GUY (ABSTRACT MATHEMATICIAN) WHO GETS NO WOMEN AT ALL! You can change yourself for good. It won't happen tomorrow. But nothing is stopping you from going to the gym, taking a parachuting class or buying a motorcycle, right?
First, just ask yourself: Is that what I want? Will this get me the kind of women I'm craving? What kinds of girls do I want to have in my life? Once you have the answers, think about the KIND OF LIFESTYLE that attracts such women. And the last step is to RECREATE YOURSELF and YOUR PERSONALITY accordingly. Is it possible? Yes, of course. Will it happen in a day or two? No it won't, but if you have the will and determination, YOU CAN DO IT!
Don't get me wrong — it's not bad to use certain “techniques” to improve your success with women. You'll even see some results! But if you want to have REAL SUCCESS, don't pretend to be someone else, but rather BECOME WHO YOU WANT TO BE. No one can stop you! The guys who have practiced seduction for many years and have become successful achieved such results because they CHANGED THEMSELVES. It's easy to see if you use yourself as an example: Even if the only thing you do is go out to clubs twice a week, you will drop many old habits and form new ones. An abstract mathematician doing this is on the best road toward success!
Finally, if you want to learn a complete system of seduction that teaches you to find your own goals and gives you the proper tools to reach them, I suggest you check out my e-book All About Women: The Encyclopedia Of Seduction. In my e-book, I talk about understanding the way women think and becoming a TRUE MAN who attracts them. I also teach you many step-by-step techniques and tools to help you improve your success rate and get what you want from women — from the first kiss to a long night of adventure!