What To Do If Your Nervous With Women
by Matthew Whiting
For many men approaching women can be very nerve wracking. And since you purchased this course, you are probably no different.
This is normal. Many men have a fear of rejection when it comes to approaching women. Men hate to lose, and being rejected feels like losing. And the idea of being rejected by a woman can be kind of scary.
Unfortunately, this fear of rejection could be holding you back from meeting the right person. Another disadvantage to this fear is that you are giving the woman all the power, and essentially making yourself appear weak. And it certainly isn't doing your self esteem and overall well-being any good at all.
You have to learn that rejection is just part of the dating game. If you want to succeed, you will have to realize that you're going to face some rejection somewhere along the way.
How can you overcome this fear?
First, you need to change your mindset to approaching women. It is important that you approach women regularly, whether they are good-looking or not. And don't approach just them because you want to seduce them.
>From talking to many women, I've discovered that they want to be approached. And even if they aren't interested in the guy that approached them, they are usually flattered that they were noticed. They even brag to their friends on the phone. You should feel good about that. It helps you become less nervous about talking to them.
The mindset I like to adopt when I approach a woman is that women want to be approached by men and I am giving them a gift by approaching them. If nothing else, by talking to them in a respectful, confident way, I am helping improve their self esteem.
You'll find it much easier to reduce fear of rejection when you keep in mind that approaching women is a good deed you are doing for them.
Interacting with women should be about learning: getting to know a new person, deciding if you like her, seeing if she likes you, finding out if you get along. Whatever the outcome, it's okay because it was all about learning.
That's the key to releasing the fear. If she doesn't like you, you didn't fail. You succeeded at learning that the two of you did not hit it off. When you look at it this way, it's not so scary anymore.
I know it sounds simple, but if you practice it you'll see that it works.
The next thing you need to do is make a habit of approaching women. Don't set out with any goal other than to talk. Don't worry about getting her number or asking her out; simply have a conversation. See what you learn from it.
Make your goal to approach 1 woman the first night. Then 3 women the next night, and 4 women after that.
By the time you have approached 8 women, you will have noticed something. It gets easier.
You'll also notice that you'll have great conversations with some of these women. That alone will give you with more confidence about yourself than you had before you started.
Once you have approached 8 women, and have had a couple of conversations with them, you are over the hard part. After that, it's all easy sailing.
I'm not saying you won't get nervous approaching women, but you'll probably find that you are only really nervous before you approach the first woman on any given night.
You'll come to realize that it really is a ratio thing. Many women want to be approached and have a chat, but some don't. That's just the way it is.
The good thing is that even if you don't get her phone number, the next time you see her, you are now familiar to her, so she'll be more willing to trust you and talk to you.
You'll become good friends with some women, and chances are they'll wind up introducing you to their hot friends. That makes the whole female seduction strategy easier. You have instant credibility when you are introduced to them by their friend.
The final thing you need to be aware of is this: are there things about yourself that you are be worried about? For instance, you may be worried about approaching women because you are bald, or fat, or maybe you are a lot older than they are.
If you do, then you'll be really interested to hear what I have to say in the next newsletter: why you have a great chance with good looking women. Until then!
Matthew Whiting
About the author:
Matthew Whiting is a professional writer specializing in dating and relationship advice. He has extensive experience in training men to maximize their seduction potential and ability to interact with women successfully. He is considered by many to be an expert in his field with his frank and forthright approach. He is best known for his work in "How to Be Irresistible to Women," which is part of the 000Relationships network.
His product is a compilation of 7 life-changing e-books, a complete 16-part audio course, and a host of exclusive Members Articles. The "How to Be Irresistible to Women" package offers single men a dynamic and comprehensive tool-kit to attract women and establish an honest and supportive relationship. You can learn more about how to attract the woman of your dreams at:
"How to Be Irresistibly Attractive"