Become a Lady Killer
by Ann May
Being successful with women has long held a deep mystique for most men. In today’s society men are often unfairly judged on their level of success with women. Why is one man successful while another isn’t? It seems reasonable to assume that the successful guy has something that the less successful guy does not. A silver tongue, perhaps? A natural aptitude with which to succeed? Maybe. What he will certainly have is a set of skills and a knowledge base that generates confidence. Confidence breeds success.
The good news for you is that these skills and the necessary knowledge can be acquired. They can be learned by anyone who wants to be a success with women. You can help yourself to success by learning some simple skills of communication, interaction, preparation and presentation. These coupled with other insights into the expectations of women, the way they think and the way they react to a variety of situations will enable you to confidently approach any woman and win her attention immediately.
So, how am I qualified to tell you all this? There are four main reasons. Firstly, I am a woman. As such, I am perfectly positioned to provide a woman’s perspective. Secondly, I run a beauty salon, which means I have more exposure to a variety of other women and their problems (almost all of which revolve around men) than any other person I know. Thirdly, since I decided to write this book I have carried out extensive research into the man/woman mating game and related topics. Finally, I thought it would be good idea to carry out a survey to find out women’s views on specific issues. I wanted the survey to be representative of a broad cross-section of women, so didn’t limit it only to the views of my clients.
That is why you will find this book different from the rest. It is not based on a study of women in a laboratory or analyst’s chair, but largely based on what woman have revealed in a relaxed, female-only environment. They leave their inhibitions at home when they come to see me and what leaves their lips is what they really think.
The key advantage of reading this book over many other dating publications is that you will be told how it is in reality and how to put it right. Also, you are getting it from the horse’s mouth, rather than from someone who has a theory, but may know little in practice. I hope you will appreciate the difference.
You will learn all you need to know about us women, how we want to be treated, what you should say, how you should say it, when you should say it, what you should not do or say and much more. From initial contact to eternal love, I will help you acquire the skills you need.
I passionately believe that even the most shy, bashful, hesitant, faint-hearted man, who can never bring himself to utter a word in front of the opposite sex, can learn from my lessons.
I will teach you the things you need to know before leaving home on a night out and how to pick-up the silent signals all around you. I will share with you the techniques that will help you break the ice. If she does turn out to be the woman of your dreams you will need to know what to do to ensure that she stays with you rather than be snatched away by other predators, casting jealous, admiring glances.
You should understand how the female species behaves and thinks before you can realistically expect them to take you seriously. Take it from me, most men do not understand the first thing about women and their needs, so once you have learned all about us you will have a key advantage over most other men. You will learn how to prepare for capturing your ideal mate. There are secrets to quickly win the attention of others and sustain it. If you possess these you will gain the confidence to approach members of the opposite sex - anytime, anywhere.
My aim is to leave you with a set of personal and communication tools that will ensure that you need never again approach a woman with that tightness in the stomach or tennis ball-size lump in the throat. You will have a plan. Armed with these skills, your odds of success will be vastly improved.
Fortunately for you I get to spend lots of time with many women in a relaxed setting, where they let their hair down and talk honestly. An endless conveyer belt of interesting women of all ages and they all have one thing in common - a story to tell about their love life, or lack of it.
As we get to know one another, so our intimacy grows. The resulting knowledge is very enlightening. All these women cannot be wrong. Listening to what they are saying, one can only learn. For the last six years I have spent the majority of my working hours doing just that.
I am sad to say that most men are getting it wrong most of the time. In short, most men do not know where to start when it comes to treating a woman how she wants to be treated.
I have acquired a deep knowledge of what women really want from men, the most common areas where men fall down in trying to win their affections and what men should do to remedy this. Up until now I have shared this essential knowledge with only a few people. This is information that most men would never have acquired had I not decided to reveal the truth.
You will learn what to say, how to say it and when to say it. I will show you how to build your confidence for success. I have been told the answers to your dilemmas so many times I practically recite them in my sleep.
I will be expanding on how you can make a woman feel good about herself and also how to make her feel attractive and important. This is crucial if you are to succeed.
To check out the full version of Lady Killer, go to my web site
Ann May