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Swinging Success - The Ultimate Lifestyle Guide
By Leah

What is ‘Swinging’?  What type of People Swing?

Swinging is when committed couples wish to explore differentsexual activities with other couples.  Similar terms are ‘WifeSwapping’ or ‘The Lifestyle’

One common misconception is that there must be something wrongwith a couple’s relationship when they want to explore sex withother people.  Nothing could be further from the truth.  Couplesthat Swing are couples that are confident and secure with theirrelationship and wish to explore different avenues of sex witheach other. Swinging is not for people who what to ‘cheat’ ontheir partner – that’s what an affair is for – Swinging is forcouples who wish to be open and experience sex with otherpartners in a healthy enviroment.

(Article continued below)

Many couples actually express that their relationships becomestronger and more interesting after they start to Swing.  Whatabout Single People?

I have described Swinging as something that committed couplesdo, however; Swinging is not limited to married people. If youare single you can still enjoy this Lifestyle despite the factmost Swinging Clubs and parties do not allow single people(literally, just one person alone) to attend – you usually haveto be with someone else making you a ‘couple’.    If you aresingle, you will need to find a partner that will enjoy Swingingwith you.  That partner becomes your friend in The Lifestyle andtogether you are able to go to swinging parties, Swinging Clubs,or seek other couples for intimate encounters. 

To find a Lifestyle Partner if you are single, place an ad atone of the most respected sex personals sites around, Theoriginal Sexy Ads Site http://romance.sexyads.com/?rs=3641 . 

Create an ad to find a friend who is interested in exploring aSwinging Lifestyle with you.  I have no doubt you will find thatfriend at this Sexy Singles Website. 

Create an ad to find a friend who is interested in exploring aSwinging Lifestyle with you.  I have no doubt you will find thatfriend at this alternative lifestyle Website.

You may consider hiring an escort for the evening. I have oftenattended Swing Clubs with gentlemen who hired me for thispurpose. This is also acceptable however we were very discreetabout our relationship. (My escort website iswww.palmspringscompanions.com )

Swinging is a positive lifestyle that is meant to enhance yourlife whether you are in a committed relationship (married) oryou explore the lifestyle with a friend you trust (single).  Youjust need to know what to do and how to do it.

How To Get Started:

If you have already made it clear that you want to try Swingingwith your partner and they are open for it, then you are well onyour way to some serious fun!

Show your partner ads from Swingers Magazines (available at mostAdult Video stores) or from Websites like, Swingers Sexy Ads,(Click Here http://swingers.sexyads.net?rs=3641 and suggest thetwo of you place an ad. 

If your partner is willing but nervous assure them that this isonly a trial and they can always say no. If it is not completelyfun for the two of you then you will re-evaluate what you aredoing.  By creating an ‘out’,your partner will be moreopen-minded and willing to give it a go.

If you have yet to discuss swinging with your partner, and youare not sure if your partner is into it, then I suggest you goslowly.

Ask questions that involve the other partner such as “Have youever fantasized about having sex with another person besidesme?” Assure them you are not saying this to trick them or pick afight.  Approach the Swinging Lifestyle in a positive and lovingway.  Don’t make them feel like they have to be defensive.  Acomment like “I really want to fuck someone else besides you.”is sure to cause hurt


Additional Resources
Adult Personals – Fulfilling Your Fantasies Through Adult Dating Websites
By Sarah Jenkins
People are talking about adult personals. There's no doubt about it. As regular dating sites are seen as too tame to meet their adventurous needs people are posting adult personals through adult Read more...
Additional Resources
Advanced Threesome Strategies
By Suzy Bauer
Advanced Threesome Seduction Strategies!

feelings.  Be sensitive and focus on yourpartners experience, not yours.

How and Where to Place a Swingers Ad:

Once you and your partner have agreed to try this lifestyle youneed to find other couples to have fun with.  A good way to dothis is to place personals type ads in Swingers’ Magazines orWebsites.  I recommend you check out Swingers Sexy Ads athttp://swingers.sexyads.net?rs=3641or This site catersexclusively to the Swingers Lifestyle.

With a swingers personal ad you are trying to accomplish twothings.  One, describe accurately who you are and two, what youare looking for.  Are you looking for a one-night stand or areyou looking for a long-term relationship/friendship with anothercouple.  Are you or your partner Bi-Sexual?  Do you want to justswap partners or are you looking for more of a ‘Gang Bang’ typesituation.  The possibilities are endless!  Browse Swingers adsand see what turns you on if you are not sure.

Once you have outlined what you want out of Swinging you need adecent photo of yourself and your partner.  You don’t have toshow your face if you want to be discreet (you can blur yourface out with photo editing software) but you should have an upto date, full body shot so people will recognize you when youfinally meet.  It does not have to be a nude shot but manycouples do that.

Swing Clubs

Maybe placing an ad in a Swinger’s Magazine or Website is notfor you.  If so you can jump right into the lifestyle and visita Swingers Club in your area. Each club has different rules andapproaches.  You can do a search on the Internet for Swing Clubsin your area and get acquainted with the ones that are well runand very clear on how they do things.  An example of one of thebest Swing Clubs around is called Freedom Acres in SouthernCalifornia.  You can view their excellent site athttp://www.freedomacres.com .  There you will also find helpfulinformation about the Lifestyle.


Swinging Etiquette is very simple.  You must be polite,charming, clean, and respect that no means NO.  Just becausesomeone is involved in Swinging does not always mean the will doeverything you want.  People have their preferences and youalways need to show respect and back off it anyone, anytime,objects to your advances.

Always be safe with Swinging. Use condoms and protection toprevent the spread of STD’s.  I also suggest that if you enjoydrinking or the use of recreation drugs, use them sparingly onyour first encounter with another couple.  You need to besensitive to others needs and you may not be able to accomplishthis intoxicated. 

Swinging is about feeling good and having fun. Not about gettingfucked and having as much sex as you possibly can get. (Although swingers are very open minded, the fact they are veryrespectful, polite, and not pushy is why they have such abundantsex lives.)

Swinging is an alternative and private lifestyle. Respect yourpartners wish to remain discreet about their participation inThe Lifestyle.  What happens in your encounters should stay inyour encounters. You will keep more friends that way in theSwinging Community.   Swinging Resources:

You can continue your exploration of this Lifestyle at thefollowing links:

Free to Place and Browse Swingers Lifestyle Ads:

Swingers Sexy Ads http://swingers.sexyads.net?rs=3641

I Want U http://stats.iwantu.com/click?id=ter1131&clientID=20001

The Original Sexy Ads Websitehttp://romance.sexyads.com/?rs=3641

Swingers Clubs: http://www.freedomacres.com

Thank you for downloading this report.  I wish for you nothingbut pleasure and happiness in your swinging adventures! Leahwww.palmspringscompanions.com www.easyanalsex.comwww.sexbooks.ws

About the author:Leah is Webmistress of www.palmspringscompanions.com . Otherworks include Easy Anal Sex and How to Hire an Escort withoutWorry or Embarrassment. To see these and other works visit hersite.


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